Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Game Design - Week 2

I have decided to keep using this blog for further assignments involving theory classes such as Game Design, that require some sort of weekly discussion. Enough about that on to the actual work.

PS. I realized way to late I never clicked publish on these.

One of if not the most important aspect of game, board game, video game, sports game, war game, development is playtesting and prototyping. If you are a sane and reasonable human being you should believe form follows function, and understand that practical use is logically of greater importance than aesthetic.

To prototype a game is to put together a quick representation of what you intend your game to be with what ever resources you have during the games development, and playtesting is testing the play of that prototype. The reason this is so important is that it will guarantee the quality of play, in showing you the players and developers whether the game actually works and functions as it is intended to. Play testing can let you know that your brilliant and revolutionary idea is a total and complete game breaker and you are useless and Bioware should've never hired you.

I'm not quite sure how much detail i have to go into but not much has to be said here. You as a developer have to give the consumer what they want, fun. You can spend hours on you rules and systems but none of it matter is none of that works or doesn't bring anyone any enjoyment, so it's your job to make sure your game is fun and works, and building prototypes as you go is how you do that and if you can't do that you might end up with a disaster on your hands.

Before I end this I would just like to note that many triple a titles aren't released as absolute shit shows because they don't play test them but usually because developers pressure them to release it anyway and maybe patch it later, they knew Arkham Knight was broken.

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